Tuesday, February 28, 2006


What makes a real church?

Many times I feel that people don't look at us as being a real church. We do look differently. We are not real big, infact we are tiny because we are only a couple of months old. We are about radically living life as disciples of Jesus. We are not about encouraging spectators but encouraing an adventure lived together for Jesus. An advenutre that encourages the life of a disciple as we passionatly live our lives for Jesus and we live out our God given gifts and dreams. We don't like to specify exactly what we look like because we want the people who are a part of our community to shape that (the idea of the body of Christ).

We get people who come to "check it out", or people who come after they have already gone to church, people who expect church to be planned out for them, etc.
I feel that many people are stuck in a box of what church is. Even people that think outside of the box still see a box. I know what scripture says that church looks like and it always points to a gathing of God's people.

So, what makes a REAL church? What is church supposed to look like? Are we a Real church?

I know what God has taught me it means to be the church or live life as the church or what God has shown me through scripture.

What do you think?

Monday, February 20, 2006


God has really put it on my heart recently to begin to fast. Not just individually but as the church - with my community of passionate followers of Jesus.
But, I was struggling because i didn't understand what it meant to fast. Yeah, i was taught what the traditional heart behind fasting was but it seemed like more to me. I knew that you were supposed to not eat or drink for some period of time. or that you could choose to give something else up for a certain period of time. I was told that we need to fast, but why? I mean Jesus really doesn't talk much about fasting in the new tesament so why do we tell people that they need to fast. what is the heart behind it. so, i decided to study the heart behind what it means to fast.

what I have discovered is way cool and i am having fun on this adventure but i don't want to take it alone (God calls us to seek him out together as a community - so i want to encourage you to join me on this adventure of learning the heart of the fast and then fasting together and seeing how God moves.

I will be starting a message board section specifically dedicated to learning the heart of the fast and also for seeing how God answers our prayers and moves as we fast together as a community.

check out www.the-table.net and go to the message boards to join me on this adventure