Friday, March 03, 2006

Authenticity - quick thoughts, response to another blog

What does it mean for a community to be Real or Authentic?

I have been learning a lot recently what this really means. I have noticed that there are a lot of people who desire to be real and authentic or that commend various people for being real and authentic but many times they don't truly live that out. many times even when people claim to be Real they are still only choosing to be partially real or authentic. they are willing to disclose enough to sound that way but are still not totally being real?

What happens though when people aren't real with each other?
I have noticed that with me I find myself still dealing with issues on my own. I lose the freedom that comes with being able to share my struggles, share my questions, share my thoughts or my life with others. there is something powerful, healing, and freeing about truly being able to be real and authentic with a group of people.

I have also noticed that others are afraid to be real and authentic. they choose not to be real because they are afraid of how people will respond to them and many times this fear becomes a reality because people slam them or respond to them poorly for their true thoughts or feelings. Or people arn't completely honust with each other and then people's feelings get hurt or someone feels like others don't care. But, how was the other person supposed to know if you don't tell them.

So, what would happen if we all lived as God had intended - openly sharing our lives together as a community

Here is a comment that I wrote to a blog that I have been reading. It is a comment to a group of bloggers who all desire authenticity but have been arguing and fighting more than living out the jourey together. I never posted the comment because I just didn't feel that I had the freedom to do so. but maybe it will get us thinking?

I find this thing of authenticity very interesting. People desiring to be real or authentic and yet, i wonder, are these people being 100% real or choosing just how real they want to be and yet still claiming to be 100% real and authentic? Also, is autheniticy a 1 or 2 way road? Just as one person shares their life and heart openly shouldn't someone else listen and respond openly and yet without a judgemental heart?

I then look to our journey as Christians or disiples of jesus. shouldn't we all be on this journey of life and faith together? Desiring to grow, learn, challenge, encourage, ask questions, and seek out God's heart as a family or a gathering of God's people? Through this journey, shouldn't others be enticed and excited about jumping into such an exciting spirtiual and life adventure? So, i then wonder what we are doing here. Is this a blog/conversation/life that allows for true authenticity? Is it a blog that allows for people to ask tough questions and for people to agree and disagree - and then journey together to find and discover answers that are true to life and God? If people post anounoumously, does that say that people are afraid to post? is that a good thing? Even if this is a blog for controversal topics do we as people and as bloggers allow for these contraversal topics to be discussed or do we slam people for their ideas or thoughts.
At some point we must ask and discuss tough questions together with the intention of finding truth or real answers. there must be some truth for the world to exist and continue to work. And if Jesus claims to be truth then through him we will find truth and answers that are true to life and faith. But it seems that it must be an adventure and a journey taken together.