Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I have totally been praying for divine appointments and today it was great to see God bless that prayer. (let me tell you about it).

I usually run about 3x a week and see these people at the bus stop. Well today I chose not to run but to walk and pray and she yelled over to me and said Hi and asked me why I wasn't running today. I told her that I ususally run to escape from the world and chill with God and today I just wanted to chill quietly. It was awesome because she shouted with joy. she is like a brother in christ and gave me a big hug. Her name was Tonya. Her daughter and I talked for a long time and I told her that we were starting a church in the clifton area. she was stoked and again shouted with joy and invited sarah and I to come worship with her tonight. It was cool because she didn't invite us to church just to worship with them. She continued to praise God for his awesome plan and also connecting us Christians together. She was excited about how God was going to use this friendship for Hig glory.

I realized she was right in so many ways. God's plan is incredible and beyond our imagination. We both realized that if I hadn't chosen to just take a walk we might not have connected on such a cool level. God's plan is way cool!!!!!!

I also learned a lot for us. i want to once again praise God with reckless abandon and with that kind of joy. I miss that. I have been conformed by the church and I want to again praise God and worship in absolutly crazy ways!!!!!!

Here I am God! keep the adventure going!

Question to Friends - Please keep me accountable to worship and praise God with my everyday life - with reckless abandon!

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