Monday, November 07, 2005

the journey of living life as the church

The past couple weekends have been incredible as we have seen God move in incredible ways. God has very much been present with the people that show and the things that are discussed. But...the adventure as to how to teach is one that i don't yet understand:
For the longest time I have been bored in church as I sit down and listen to some preacher dude tell me what to belive. I get excited and have so much more fun however when I have an opportunity to encounter God through scritpure as he reveals his truth to me and as I get to discuss it with others (friends and strangers).
As we have started the table we have tried to avoid the "3 step how to live", or the "this is what you need to believe" and praying that God would move through scripture and conversation. God has blessed us with Christians, people who are not, people who have new ageish ideas but our deepest desire is to encounter God - not just to have a conversation for the sake of conversation.

So...How do you teach good Biblical teachings, heart behind the Jewish cutlture and what Jesus taught and allow for people to enconter God through that. As they discuss and live it out? This is way harder than I thought. I look forward to seeing that adventure that God takes us through and as he allows for this kind of worship to occur.

having fun as a passionate follower of Jesus,
scott sulek

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