Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I Picked Up a Hooker


I was headed to work and stopped by BP this morning so that I could pick up some caffine (mountain dew)to get me started. As I pulled into the BP this woman walks up to my car and asks for a ride. i apologized and told her that I really didn't have time because I had to get to work. she asked me which direction I was going and when I told her she walked around and jumped into the passenger side of my car. (guys, its not safe to keep your car door unlocked)
as I tried to explain that I was not headed very far she said that it would be awesome if I could just take her at least as far as i was going and then she would get a ride the rest of the way. So, I had a weird feeling already and decided not to go into BP (I wasn't just going to let her sit in my car as I walked into BP and got a pop).
As I was driving we began to talk. she said she was from florida, i told her about my wife, she said she wanted to get married someday also, etc. As the conversation continued she asked me how far it was to where I would drop her off. she said that was great and that we could have a little fun on the way. she then began to feel up my leg and went for my crotch. I told her to get the HELL off me and she continued. This time i stopped the car and yelled, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CAR!!!!!" she then kept saying, "what is wrong, aren't i pretty." and then kept trying to feel me up until i came to a stop and pushed her out my car and sped off.

it kind of freaked me out. I was shaking. not that I was afraid, I was in shock!
So, I called sarah (my wife) and told her the story.

As I thought about it throughout the day. I began to feel bad. I wish that there would have been some way that I could have gotten her to stop and then encourage her and tell her that she deserves so much more.

BUT... what else do you do when some strange woman starts going for your crotch?

Could I have been a better example of Jesus's Love? I don't know. Maybe, me pushing her away gave her a different picture of men. I don't know. I prayed for divine appointments this morning. didn't expect this, but I hope that God is able to use this adventure to impact this woman's life!!!

I began to pray for her - if you all can do this too, please do!


Anonymous said...

scott picked up a hooker lol

Anonymous said...

That is a crazy story. I have noticed you live in an area with a lot of women who have been hurt or are hurting themselves (a whorehouse was down the street, the lady in your car etc) Maybe God wants to use you, and the table, to reach out to these people. I don't know. I'm not playing the prophet, but maybe...