Saturday, March 17, 2007

"Prayer in schools"? and a cool story





I am sure I could list a lot more things that people scream when it comes to religious stuff in schools.

i think about who is yelling for such religious boundaries.

Is it parents? teachers? politicians :)? very high paid people in the educational system?

or the students? - who really should have a say in their religous beliefs and whose freedoms we are determing and taking away. right? Wasn't our country founded on relgious freedom and freedom of speech? Wasn't England trying to do the same thing to us?

I find it kind of funny. I am taking a class on diversity...finding out how the country/state desires for us to teach diversity, be accepting, integrate different cultures and people into the classroom and yet our teaching is in words and not actions. the one thing we are telling our students to do in words, we as adults can't model in actions. So, what are we really teaching our students?

I don't know...all I have to say is that I don't think there will ever be a seperation of church and state...I mean look at our history and what socities and civilizations were built on. A belief in something spiritual...a higher being. I don't think there will ever be an elimination of prayer in schools either.

and it is passioante people who live out what they believe in, that will cause my preditions to be true!!

I saw one of the coolest things the other day. i was walking into a school to substitute teach a class. OGTs were going on this week...tests that need to be passed in order to graduate. It was a class of Seniors and some of them still needed to pass some of there OGT tests. If they didn't pass...they would not graduate.
It was freakin awesome!! Some of the other students gathered these seniors (that needed to pass the tests) and gathered some of the teachers together to pray for these students/seniors that needed to pass the OGT. the students that prayed...didn't just pray an empty prayer, but a passionate, loving, heart felt prayer to a G-D you could tell they believed in and for people they really cared about.

sounds like prayer in schools...isn't a bad things. in fact maybe even makes our world a better place?

1 comment:

Jeremiah in Porgress said...

I know that there are probably a million and one different opinions that people have about prayer in schools, but I have to be honest and tell who ever is raging against having prayer in schools...Prayer is already in schools, its there when you arent listening as well as when you are, you can not stop a christian from calling out to his savior when he is being pushed around in the hallway by another student, you can not stop a group of students from Studing the word of God before class durring times of war, and you will never be able to seperate the hands of prayer between friends who love and care about each other. I just came out of highschool and I know that there will be prayer in schools until they return of Christ, becuase no one can quite a generation of Christians bent on finding the God that they love.