Friday, June 15, 2007

A very quick response

WOW!!! so much to respond to, to think about, to re-study etc.

It is always hard at times to put everything in writing…at least because I am not the best writer. Unfortunately I don’t have the time today to fully respond, but I do think that you had a lot of very cool things to say.

I respond with I Corinthians 6:19 where Paul basically says that we are the temple of G-D. yes, is commenting on sexual immorality, but it is a very powerful statement to say that our bodies are the temple of G-D considering the temple was understood to be the place of worship and the place where the very presence of G-D dwelled.

I also respond with acts 7:48-50. This is basically steven’s response to the religious peeps accusing him of speaking against the temple. Is there a place now or even in the OT where G-D house the presence of G-D.

Or what about when G-D tore the curtain in the temple that separated people from the Holy of Holies (or what was known as the place where the presence of G-D dwelled)

All fun things to think about along with the rest of the discussion that had taken place so far.

I would love to hear other people comment as well. What has your study, conversations, and discussions taught you?

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