Thursday, January 26, 2006

God gave me a band-aid

This God sighting seems small but impacted my life huge!
I have recently developed a bump in my arm pit which was hurting really bad this morning. I was going to teach gym today so I went to find a band-aid so that I could put it over the bump to keep it from getting sore and hurting a whole lot. i searched the entire house but could not find one. So, i finally gave up and went to go and chill with God. AFter i read a little i got up to pray and then went back to the pillow that I had been studying on (and I had layed on it the night before - and with my ADD i totally don't sit still - which means the pillow get tossed around a lot) but when I went back there was a band-aid right on top of the pillow. It was way cool. I kind of felt bad that I didn't immediatly ask God for a band-aid but later God revealed to me that he really does take care of our needs - even when we don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooooooooooo, GOD GAVE ME A BAND-AID - WAY STINKIN COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Want to be: A Child

I've been struggling!
Not living life to the full!
I have allowed things, frustrations, conversations, worries keep me from living in the freedom of who God has made me to be. i have allowed these things to keep me from laughing, keep me from radically loving others, keep me from enjoying each moment that God has blessed me with, keep me from living freely, keep me from using my imagination and creativity, keep me from taking risks, going on adventures, loving others and so much more - I hate that.

I ask that you guys would be praying for me!!! God has me on a crazy adventure to reclaim this joy, lauhter, and child like faith (LIFE TO THE FULL)!

He has put on my heart to study his peace (shalom)and to spend time just enjoying Him, listening, and praising Him) - So far it has been a cool study and enjoyable to pour my heart out in song and in creativty. I want to once a again live passionatly with a an inexpressible and glorious joy. (1 peter 1:3-11)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Better at blogging

Hello everyone,
sorry it has been so long since i have posted. I have been absolutly horrible at keeping up with my blog. So, I have committed to writing at least one blog a week. I have a lot to talk about or share but am just so bad at taking the time to sit and write out my adventures. so, I ask that you help to keep me accountable if you see that I have not written anything in awhile.
