Thursday, January 26, 2006

God gave me a band-aid

This God sighting seems small but impacted my life huge!
I have recently developed a bump in my arm pit which was hurting really bad this morning. I was going to teach gym today so I went to find a band-aid so that I could put it over the bump to keep it from getting sore and hurting a whole lot. i searched the entire house but could not find one. So, i finally gave up and went to go and chill with God. AFter i read a little i got up to pray and then went back to the pillow that I had been studying on (and I had layed on it the night before - and with my ADD i totally don't sit still - which means the pillow get tossed around a lot) but when I went back there was a band-aid right on top of the pillow. It was way cool. I kind of felt bad that I didn't immediatly ask God for a band-aid but later God revealed to me that he really does take care of our needs - even when we don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooooooooooo, GOD GAVE ME A BAND-AID - WAY STINKIN COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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