Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Not so haunted house part 2

Here are just a few more stories that connect with my first post:

1. God gave me a band-aid: I had an allergic reaction to my deoderant and had a huge bump under my armpit and it hurt really bad. i had to go to work but it was hard to move around. So, i searched our entire house for a band-aid with no luck. So, as I was walking around and praying I ended up going to where I would usually chill with God in the morning and on the pillow where I would usually lay there was a band-aid. It was a band-aid that was shaped like I had never seen before. Not to mention i had been laying on the pillow just the night before - i was even the last one awake. I then asked everyone in the house to see if they had band-aids shaped like that and no one did. God showed me that he takes care of my needs, no matter how big or small, even when I don't ask. God taught me this during a time when I really needed to hear that.

2. God united us with new and old friends. allowed us to worship with these friends as we lived life together, asked tough questions, encouraged, challenged, prayed, partied, hung-out together and so much more. We were able to celebrate a messianic passover together as we focused on Jesus and what he has done for His people, experienced healings of the heart, ate together, shared life together, laughed, cryed, creativly worshiped, fed the poor, stuck by each other when we were in pain or sick (kidney stones - lol) and soooooo much more.

thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for loving your people and teaching us to live life as the church as we love you and love others :)

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