Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Recently I have started working for a non profit organization called "Healthy Visions". Through this organization I have an opportunity to travel to different Jr.High and High Schools to talk about sex within marriage or sexual abstinence. It is actually I lot of fun and a great opportunity to talk about truths that are important to our lives.

Anyway, I recently went to speak at a local high school and recived a bunch of thank letters in the mail. I want to thank everyone that had sent me a thank you letter but wanted to share a few letters that I thought were either funny or creative in their response.

Thank you letters:
1. "Thank you so much for coming into our class and talk about sex and abstinance. YOu have made me realize that sex is way better when you are married. so, i decided to talk to my boyfriend. We have decided to stop having sex and wait till marriage. Its really hard but I think we can do it! thank you so much! - I was very impressed with the decicision that this person made with her boyfriend. It may be hard but they are willing to go for it - way cool!

2.Thank you for coming in and talking about human sexuality and related topics. It revealed a lot to me. It revealed a lot to me. I could talk about it more, but I could also draw a picture. i chose the latter. (he drew a pic of some kind of sperm octopus looking thing) - this made me laugh

3. This person said "Thanks" and drew me a picture of something that looks like a penis rocket called the cockroach and on the back is a pic of cockroaches talking about needing to repopulate the world :)

4. Another person commented on my ninja turtle back pack - i really like this person

5. thanks for coming and speaking to did a great job getting through, not even considering it was only your second time speaking! Regardless, anybody who takes time out of their life to try to improve the lives of other people and speak up for what they believe in is nothing short of extrodinary... thanks again bro. - a very wise man, i hope he takes his own wisdom and lives as an extrodinary man!

6. I think what your doing with healthy visions is awesome, you were an awesome speaker! you're a pretty cool guy, your wife is lucky - i saved this one to remind my wife incase she ever forgot :)

7.Thanks for comming and speaking. Your had a good presentation. Have fun not abstaining any more since you are married - i liked this guy too, he is a good encourager

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