Monday, November 07, 2005

the journey of living life as the church

The past couple weekends have been incredible as we have seen God move in incredible ways. God has very much been present with the people that show and the things that are discussed. But...the adventure as to how to teach is one that i don't yet understand:
For the longest time I have been bored in church as I sit down and listen to some preacher dude tell me what to belive. I get excited and have so much more fun however when I have an opportunity to encounter God through scritpure as he reveals his truth to me and as I get to discuss it with others (friends and strangers).
As we have started the table we have tried to avoid the "3 step how to live", or the "this is what you need to believe" and praying that God would move through scripture and conversation. God has blessed us with Christians, people who are not, people who have new ageish ideas but our deepest desire is to encounter God - not just to have a conversation for the sake of conversation.

So...How do you teach good Biblical teachings, heart behind the Jewish cutlture and what Jesus taught and allow for people to enconter God through that. As they discuss and live it out? This is way harder than I thought. I look forward to seeing that adventure that God takes us through and as he allows for this kind of worship to occur.

having fun as a passionate follower of Jesus,
scott sulek

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Amazed and Excited

I am continually amazed about how God's hand is on this adventure. A couple of weeks ago - Jillian (great woman of God/prayer warrior) got a word from God telling us that we don't need to worry about building the church but that God would bring the people - he would be the one to build the church. It has been amazing to see this happen. Many of the people that have come to be a part of this adventure have come from weeks of crazy adventures. some delivered directly to our front porch (no joke!!!)

God has brought people to worship with us on sunday mornings, or hang out with us or live life as the church!!! these people are brining their God given gifts and dreams, they are passionate about God, some of them are confused or going through tough times and need to see light but open to God and discussing spirtitual things, everyone is amazed on the many many many God sightings (movements of God)

It is very exciting to see how God is building our Jesus community (church) and exciting to dream and imagine what it is going to look like as he brings people and their dreams that will create a working pic of the church that is true to what God desires for us to be -individually and as the church

I only wish I could describe in words or in a blog the dreams, the pics, the people and the impact that God has allowed to be come a reality as we live life as His Chruch.


Monday, October 17, 2005

God is freakin awesome!!!!!!!!!!1

This past friday night was a ton of fun as a bunch of guys got together as "the church" to worship God as we hung out, played video games, ate pizza, talked about girls, pinched each others nipples, talked about God, talked about life and soooo much more. I LOVE LIVING LIFE AS THE CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALSO, During that evening a lady named Tonya (who I had run into a couple of weeks ago came to the door to ask my wife and keiths to join her for a sat. morning Bible study. (check out my post a couple of days ago for the whole story of how i orginally met tonya).
anyway, I had met her while walking and I had just told her I lived down the street and she invited us to her church for her pastor to pray for us and what we were doing in clifton. Well we got lost on the way and we never made it and had no way of getting in contact with her.
on sat. she came to the door and asked for me, my buddy don came to get me and when I came to the door she yelled "this is totally God" I responded shockingly but had no choice but to agree. she had prayed that God would lead her to our house and he did. the first house she had come to was ours (again having no clue where I lived) she invited our wives to a breakfast bible study and again invited us to join her for prayer on wed. night. i don't totally know what God has in store for this friendship but I am excited to see what adventure God is taking us on!!!!!


Friday, October 14, 2005

"If its not big enough to be scary its not God sized"
- our lawyer

I am learning that this is soooo true. I have been brought up in the church for way too long and have found my self conformed and churched and I hate it. So many times we as God's people learn how to live by "the faith" but not to live by faith. I find myself knowing the right Christian stuff to do (live by "the faith") but I don't truly live "by faith". i want to control things, or try to make things work, or feel that I have to do something, or am afraid to fail, or must plan something (the list can go on). The moment something happens that I can't control I get freaked out and lose faith, or I allow the question "what if I fail" to keep me from living out what God has called me to live.

anyway, what I am trying to say is that I am learning to live by faith. Knowing that in my failures, in my weakness, in my stupidity, God can and does move. I really just need to live knowing that God has everything under control and works things out in His perfect timing. (he never does anything early or late but right on time.) This week God has used a lot of things and people to help me realize this. our lawayer blessed us this week by giving us a free visit and also paying our incorporation fees (for the table church), God used a friend to tell us not to worry but that God has things under control, or through a story of how God had moved in a crazy way in another churches adventures, or through other people who share my same struggle, or just by the various blessing he has blessed me with. I want once again to live with a faith in God where I can stop relying on my own strength and totally rely on God. That sounds scary at time but it sounds like fun. I want to again laugh and enjoy God as we moves in crazy ways. I want to be able to boast in God not on my own abilities.

maybe this doesn't make sense - i know I like to ramble but it is an adventure I am still trying to understand

I'll keep you all informed on how the adventure goes!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I have totally been praying for divine appointments and today it was great to see God bless that prayer. (let me tell you about it).

I usually run about 3x a week and see these people at the bus stop. Well today I chose not to run but to walk and pray and she yelled over to me and said Hi and asked me why I wasn't running today. I told her that I ususally run to escape from the world and chill with God and today I just wanted to chill quietly. It was awesome because she shouted with joy. she is like a brother in christ and gave me a big hug. Her name was Tonya. Her daughter and I talked for a long time and I told her that we were starting a church in the clifton area. she was stoked and again shouted with joy and invited sarah and I to come worship with her tonight. It was cool because she didn't invite us to church just to worship with them. She continued to praise God for his awesome plan and also connecting us Christians together. She was excited about how God was going to use this friendship for Hig glory.

I realized she was right in so many ways. God's plan is incredible and beyond our imagination. We both realized that if I hadn't chosen to just take a walk we might not have connected on such a cool level. God's plan is way cool!!!!!!

I also learned a lot for us. i want to once again praise God with reckless abandon and with that kind of joy. I miss that. I have been conformed by the church and I want to again praise God and worship in absolutly crazy ways!!!!!!

Here I am God! keep the adventure going!

Question to Friends - Please keep me accountable to worship and praise God with my everyday life - with reckless abandon!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This is my first post. So, welcome to my page. I am not always good at keeping my blogs updated but I am going to try and get better at it.

anyway, I try and run a couple of times a week and met this older asian type guy. Our conversations have not gone beyond a smile and a hello but I like to call him the fart wiffer. he walks with his arms wiffing past his butt everytime he takes a step. It totally looks like he is trying to wiff the smell of fart out of the way. He seems like a nice guy and if it is true that a man can truly fart like that as he walks i could only be so lucky as to mentor and learn from a man with such gas and wisdom.

Welcome to the crazy adventures of scott sulek